Monday 8 February 2010

The Bird And The Bee.

I recently discovered the band The Bird And The Bee. They sound like 'a futuristic 1960's American film set in Brazil' in the form of an indie pop duo from Los Angeles. When I listen to them, it makes me feel like I'm sitting in a wide open field, picking daisies and making headbands; or in the backyard on a summers day tie-dying tshirts; or in an Austin Powers video clip; or... ok you get the point.
After googling some images of the band, I've decided that they are simply the coolest. Like they are method actors or something. Well, more like 'method singers'. Dressing the part to sound the part. I imagine tweed suits, mini dresses, slick hair and pocket watches to be a part of their every day wardrobe. When music and fashion is mixed without being 'gimmicky' - the combination of the two great arts is magic. I think Inara and Greg play great music and have achieved a vintage look without seeming pretentious or looking like they've tried too hard.
I wanted to post the film clip for 'Again and Again' from their self-titled album back in 2007, but their embedded videos have been disabled..
Here is the link:
Though I'm a little late in discovering them, I am so glad I did. If you are a pop music fan I'd definitely recommend you check them out.
It's like pop music in one of its sweetest forms.


  1. Dear Catherine.
    Im sure I've heard of their band.. positive. Found them In a playlist, quite random actually.
    But I like them alot, i really do.

  2. Well Hello Catherine!!
    What a lovely blog you have here....
    I adore the Bird and the Bee =))
    Linda - Lost in Switzerland

  3. Hello!
    I feel the same way! If you don't believe in yourself, you're allowing your subconscious and everyone around you to treat you horribly, and you don't have the confidence to defend yourself in these situations. (i.e. getting walked all over.) These situations happen to me a lot, haha.
    I'm glad to hear you'll be participating! I'm already loving the idea.
    xoxo Maddie.

  4. I haven't heard the band personally but I can see that they have a very cute fashion sense. Preppy but with a sense of rock chic.

    Drop by my blog at:

  5. they're so cute :)

  6. Never heard of then but now I must go listen to them! They are adorable!! xx
