Saturday 27 March 2010

Another Surography.

Miss Crystalline aka Sidney Bailey has a unique eye for detail. She's firmly got the following titles under her belt: creative photographer, gorgeous model, inspiring visual artist and talented (budding) fashion designer; and not to mention her day job as a visual merchandiser for Dior Couture in Sydney. How does she do it all? I have no idea. Vibrant, yet mysterious, she's a wonderfully off-beat, little-understood phenomenon.
I'm a huge admirer of her work and always look forward to seeing her post new photos on the facebook profile of her Sydney-based project Another Surography. Together with her brother J, they provide photographic services, styling and branding/marketing consultations.
Anyone that knows CC, know for sure there are big things in store for her. Her obvious dedication and passion to her art will pave her way to success.
Some examples of Another Surography portraits.
So happy that CC is on blogspot keeping us up-to-date with latest fashion trends, or just sharing with us the things that inspire her.
CC and J, as photographed by each other.
God was definitely generous when it came to giving this family good looks and talent ;)

Learn more about Another Surography and CC's other projects via the following links
Facebook Fan page: Another Surography
Homepage: Sushi Roar


  1. Catfish, cheri, merci beaucoup a million times over. You are so sweet to post such an inspiring tribute to the duo of Another Surography/ilegallcargo! You are a myriad of inspiration for me. Showing the world that us 'real' people can be just as, if not more fashion forward than the robots of the runway ;) You are definitely one of my muses and definitely will be one of my dolls. x

  2. Thanks for the kind words and for becoming a follower of my blog :)
    I am now follower of your blog & I love that Hello Kitty necklace in your previous blog entry. So adorable! :D

  3. I adore your blog Miss Catherine..

  4. Anytime, i'm happy to pimp my girl out, CC ;) You definitely inspire ME, that's for sure!!
    And thank you both to Kimvee and Ms Maiden for stopping by:)
